This coming Monday, the City Council will consider the repeal and elimination of the Downtown Commercial Cap (officially known as the Non-Residential Square Footage Cap), which sets specific limits on the level of office & hotel growth in the downtown area and helps lower traffic congestion throughout the City.

If we don’t stop this repeal, developers will have an ‘open window’ downtown to increase office growth and it will assist AJ Capital, the new owners of the President Hotel, in proceeding with their plans to convert the residential building into a luxury hotel. For more details, see the letter from PAN (Palo Alto Neighborhoods)

Please we need your help — your voices do count — by coming down to City Council on Monday to voice your concerns.

If you can’t attend, please send a letter or email in support of maintaining the Downtown Commercial Cap to City Hall. Send your emails to:

For those of you who can come to City Hall Monday, 8:30 p.m., you are encouraged to wear a “cap” (baseball or otherwise) to show the Council your strong support for maintaining the Downtown Cap.

Help us stop this effort to increase the commercial/office growth in our City!