We are an organization of neighbors and friends across the city of Palo Alto.  Please help us by making a generous donation to our grassroots campaign for sensible zoning.

To make a donation, please fill out the information requested below.

PLEASE NOTE: For all donations of $50 or more FPPC and City of Palo Alto rules require you provide your occupation and name of your employer (or principal place of business, if self-employed). If your donation is less than $50 you can simply enter ‘NA’ in those boxes.  Anonymous donations of less than $25 may be made by entering ‘ANON’ in the name and address fields.

When you click on the ‘DONATE’ button you will be transferred to the secure PayPal website where you can make your donation with your PayPal account or any credit card.

If you prefer to donate by check, you can make the check payable to:

Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning

and mail the check and the required information to:

Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning
c/o Greg Schmid
3428 Janice Way
Palo Alto CA 94303

(REQUIRED - If less than $25 you may enter ANON))

(REQUIRED - If less than $25 you may enter ANON)

(REQUIRED - If less than $25 you may enter ANON)

(REQUIRED - If less than $50 you may enter 'NA')

(REQUIRED - If less than $50 you may enter 'NA')

Your total amount is : 0.00 (Currency: USD)