Editorials, Featured, Government Issues
Developers would pay for only 20 percent of the demand their projects create – so why are we still building so much office space? The long-awaited Nexus Study documenting how much affordable housing is actually needed for the added workforce of new...
Comp Plan, Editorials, Featured, Government Issues
All Palo Altans should urge the Planning and Transportation Commission to reject a controversial staff proposal that would make it easier for Downtown residences such as the President Hotel Apartments at 488 University to become hotels or offices. Scheduled for...
Editorials, Endorsements, Featured
An open letter to all who are concerned, as we are,about the future of Palo Alto as a livable community WE NEED YOUR VOTES We are extremely concerned about the cumulative effects of excessive commercial development that has adversely affected our quality...
Editorials, Transportation
UPDATE (2/21/18) The following letter was sent to the City Council Dear City Council, We respectfully submit the following proposal to improve the Downtown RRP District and enabling Resolution 9473. The recent staff report, if adopted as presented, has the potential...