Who We Are:
We are a Citywide organization of residents concerned for our City’s future. We are actively involved in issues that are in agreement with our Principles and Goals as we strive to keep Palo Alto a unique place for raising families and fostering business innovation.
Our Mission:
Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning (PASZ) is a grass roots, political action committee dedicated to a high quality of life for Palo Alto residents and the innovative spirit that has made Palo Alto unique. We are for sensible land use planning and development and will continue to be advocates for mitigating the negative impacts of excessive development.
Our Vision:
We envision a dynamic Palo Alto that remains a family-oriented community with excellent schools, infrastructure and community services. Technology and business innovation are part of Palo Alto’s heritage and should be fostered. We envision a City that is not overwhelmed by excessive development. We value diversity, our historic resources, our neighborhoods, parks and open spaces, and support projects that enhance our quality of life
Our Goals:
- Ensure that the pace of development does not outstrip our infrastructure, schools and City services, or compromise the beauty and character of our City.
- Encourage Housing that Allows for a Diverse Economic Population
- Maintain our Community as a Great Place to Live
EDITOR’S NOTE: The opinions expressed in the news items cited here do not necessarily represent the opinion of Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning. We try to present a balanced picture of the news on the subjects of housing and legislation.
Hotel President Residents Fight Planned Evictions
Residents of Hotel President in downtown Palo Alto facing possible evictions in November say they won’t go down without a fight. They have launched a petition.
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Planning Commission to Repeal Downtown Development Cap
On July 25th he Palo Alto Planning and Transportation Commission will discuss whether to end the Downtown Development Cap, a 32-year old law limiting new hotels, offices, and other nonresidential growth downtown.
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Reduce the Office Cap
Are you fed up with Traffic Congestion? Lack of Parking? Rising Housing Costs? Increased Taxes? If you are a registered voter and Palo Alto resident, please sign the PASZ petition Read more…
PASZ Initiative to Control Office Growth
PASZ has begun a petition campaign to place a measure on the November ballot to reduce the cap on non-residential construction.
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PASZ General Meeting
We will be holding a special “all-hands-on-deck” PASZ General Meeting next week!. Discussion will center on a proposed plan to launch an Initiative for the Fall 2018 election regarding non-residential growth in the City of Palo Alto.
Parking in Residential Neighborhoods
On Feburary 26 at 7:15pm the Council will consider a staff report to put improvement on hold for up to 24 months. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE AND MUST NOT BE APPROVED. BETTER SOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN AND WILL BE PRESENTED TO COUNCIL.
Stanford GUP Community Meeting
Final Stanford GUP Community Meeting with Supervisor Joe Simitian Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 6PM to 8PM, Palo Alto City Hall
Speak Out NOW
At the Public Hearings held on October 23 and October 30, 2017, the Palo Alto City Council considered the Planning & Transportation Commission’s recommendations in order to provide direction to Staff, and certify the Final EIR. Due to a large number of public comments and discussions, this item was continued to the November 13th Council meeting at 6PM.[Read more…]